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“Luggage Storage Service Explanation”

The luggage storage service is completely free of charge but is exclusively available to guests who are about to stay or have already stayed at Mr.Mantter.

Luggage Storage Service Explanation

Is there a charge for luggage storage?

The luggage storage service is completely free of charge but is exclusively available to guests who are about to stay or have already stayed at Mr.Mantter.

Is there a limit to the number or weight of luggage stored?

To facilitate your onward journey, there is no weight limit for this service. However, we request that your luggage be well-packed and limited to one piece of maximum 32-inch luggage per person.

Can I store valuable items as well?

Mr.Mantter's luggage storage is a complimentary service, not a fee-based secure storage service. Therefore, if you have valuable items, it is recommended to carry them with you or use a fee-based locker for safekeeping.

What is the maximum duration for luggage storage?

The maximum duration for Mr.Mantter's complimentary luggage storage service is three days. If you are unable to return to collect your luggage within the agreed time due to unforeseen circumstances, please contact us.

If the luggage is not collected within five days and we are unable to contact you, we will seek assistance from the local police.

If I can't return to Taichung in time, can you assist in sending the stored items?

We offer a shipping service, which may require payment on delivery or advance collection of shipping fees.

Once the luggage is transferred to the courier service, Mr.Mantter is not responsible for any damage or custody. If possible, we still hope you can retrieve your luggage personally.

Are there any restrictions on the luggage stored?

Please do not include perishable items, items with an imminent expiration date, items showing signs of life, or items that violate local legal regulations in your luggage. If we detect any anomalies during luggage storage, we may seek assistance from the local police.

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